Awards and Recognition

The St Andrews Practice is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS). This means we have undergone a rigorous registration process that requires us to meet and adhere to certain standards of practice that comply with National Care Standards and current legislation.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has regulated independent healthcare services in Scotland since 2011, when it took over this role from the Care Commission. HIS inspectors evaluate independent healthcare services regularly, using announced and unannounced inspections. You can find our inspection reports here: The St Andrew’s Practice Limited, Fife – service overview and inspection reports (

“The passion you have for what you do really comes across….the judges were impressed with your team’s personal touch, consistency of reviews and community feel” – CorporateLiveWire Scotland Prestige Awards.


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Our Vision

Sustainable innovations for mental health & wellbeing


Treating the whole person, emphasising the connections between the mind and the body.


We believe passionately in connecting with people to build relationships that enrich lives.


Strategic, purposeful approach to effective collaboration, partnership, and support that furthers the organization’s mission beyond profit.

Mission Statement

To help you inhabit your strengths, cope with life’s challenges, and thrive in your unique way

Growth Mindset

The cultivation of learning, resilience and adaptability, viewing problems from multiple perspectives.


We are not afraid to be different. We try new things and embrace progress. We are committed to being and staying on the cutting edge.


Advocating for the human rights, dignity, and diversity of every person, with respect and compassion.