Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour Annual Report Template

Every healthcare professional must be open and honest with clients when something that goes wrong with their treatment or care causes, or has the potential to cause, harm or distress. Services must tell the client, apologise, offer appropriate remedy or support and fully explain the effects to the client.

As part of our responsibilities, we must produce an annual report to provide a summary of the number of times we have trigger duty of Candour within our service.

Name & address of service:The St Andrews Practice
Date of report:06.03.2023
How have you made sure that you (and your staff) understand your responsibilities relating to the duty of candour and have systems in place to respond effectively?How have you done this?All staff and clinicians are familiar with Duty of Candour policy and what events trigger duty of candour. We have clear processes of notification and procedures to follow in the event Duty of Candour is triggered. We have clear guidance on our legal obligations.
Do you have a Duty of Candour Policy or written duty of candour procedure? YES  NO
How many times have you/your service implemented the duty of candour procedure this financial year?
Type of unexpected or unintended incidents (not relating to the natural course of someone’s illness or underlying conditions)Number of times this has happened (April 22  – March 23)
A person died0
A person incurred permanent lessening of bodily, sensory,motor, physiologic or intellectual functions0
A person’s treatment increased0
The structure of a person’s body changed0
A person’s life expectancy shortened0
A person’s sensory, motor or intellectual functions was impairedfor 28 days or more0
A person experienced pain or psychological harm for 28 days or more0
A person needed health treatment in order to prevent them dying0
A person needing health treatment in order to prevent other injuriesas listed above0
Did the responsible person for triggering duty of candour appropriately follow the procedure?If not, did this result is any under or over reporting of duty of candour?N/A
What lessons did you learn?N/A  
What learning & improvements have been put in place as a result?N/A  
Did this result is a change / update to your duty of candour policy / procedure?N/A
How did you share lessons learned and who with?N/A
Could any further improvements be made?N/A  
What systems do you have in place to support staff to provide an apology in a person-centred way and how do you support staff to enable them to do this?N/A
What support do you have available for people involved in invoking the procedure and those who might be affected?N/A
Please note anything else that you feel may be applicable to report.N/A

Our Vision

Sustainable innovations for mental health & wellbeing


Treating the whole person, emphasising the connections between the mind and the body.


We believe passionately in connecting with people to build relationships that enrich lives.


Strategic, purposeful approach to effective collaboration, partnership, and support that furthers the organization’s mission beyond profit.

Mission Statement

To help you inhabit your strengths, cope with life’s challenges, and thrive in your unique way

Growth Mindset

The cultivation of learning, resilience and adaptability, viewing problems from multiple perspectives.


We are not afraid to be different. We try new things and embrace progress. We are committed to being and staying on the cutting edge.


Advocating for the human rights, dignity, and diversity of every person, with respect and compassion.